Ја напуштила црквата за да стане стриптизета: „Моја единствена работа беше да слугувам“ (ФОТО)

Никол Мичел, бисексуална поранешна пасторка се одлучила да го замени црковниот живот со стриптизот. Сега работи како модел на платформата за возрасни, „OnlyFans“ и заработува милиони.

Пораснала во баптистичко семејство во кое улогите биле многу строго поделени на „машки“ и „женски“. Меѓутоа, таа не била согласна со црквените учења.


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Oh my GOSH, tonight’s call inside my manifestation course was NEXT LEVEL!!! The safety and vulnerability and transparency that happens in there is unlike anywhere else... and leads to such deep healing and transformation that not only changes their lives but heals the world! I’m telling you... when you sign up to work with me - whether 1:1, my mastermind, or my courses - you get so much more than you even realize. There is where fear is dissolved, desires are unearthed, power is unleashed, healing takes place, and transmutation happens. This is where dreams are born, miracles happen, and love is multiplied. I can not recommend being in a container like this enough. You don’t know what you’re missing out on until you’re on these calls and having these conversations, and you realize this is why magical things happen to people who put support in place. Next level support gets you next level results. And you are worthy of both. Manifestation students - make sure you watch the replay of tonight’s call! Everyone else - put support in place! Whether it’s me or someone else, pick someone who is living a version of the life you want, resonates with you, lights you up, and keeps you coming back for more. THEY are the ones to hire. Love you, believe in you, and always here for you.: @colbyfiles

A post shared by Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) on Sep 4, 2020 at 8:49pm PDT

Во црквата ми зборуваа како жените не би требало да стојат на говорница, туку оти нивна работа е да бидат слуги на другите. Религијата ме научи да се задоволувам со малку и да не барам ништо повеќе, а мојата единствена работа беше да слугувам, рече таа.

Како што тврди, за време на „црковната кариера“, два пати завршила во болница. Ова било знак дека треба нешто да промени и да работи нешто што го сака. Така всушност сфатила дека сака да биде стриптизета.

-Научив да ја преземам контролата врз мојот живот, а не да се предавам на другите, изјави таа.

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You aren't missing anything. You aren't lacking in any way. You are whole, equipped, and more than enough for what it is you are called to do. The trick is believing that for yourself, even when your circumstances try to tell you a different story. As much as you want your circumstances to be different or for someone outside of you to validate you, complete you, qualify you... That is an INSIDE job. The more inner work you do, the more confident, calm, and clear you get. And where there is confidence, clarity, and certainty, THEREIN LIES YOUR DESTINY. So if you needed a reminder today, here it is: You are whole. You are loved. You are worthy. You are ready. You are brilliant. You are capable. You are called. You can do it. Period. Show up to your day, life, and dreams as though that is true and it’s only a matter of time before your wildest dreams come true. (How about this shot from @onemore.kissdear ?! Obsessed!!! You know where to find the uncensored one Link in my bio!)

A post shared by Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) on Oct 28, 2020 at 8:18pm PDT




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